Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Pediatrician Part 3

When the test results came back Debby and I met with the pediatrician for about two hours to go over the report and discuss our options.  We found out that Zach was low in vitamin B12, which is key for the typical functioning of the brain and nervous system, and used by the body in the formation of red blood cells and metabolism of cells.  The pediatrician wanted us to start giving Zach a vitamin B12 shot three times per week, a multi-vitamin and omega 3 daily, and also a probiotic to help with his digestion.  At first we were a little nervous about giving our kid a shot, but the needle is about the length of a giant ant.  Our biggest concern was how we were going to administer it to Zach without him freaking out to the point the needle breaks off in him.  However, Zach has gotten so use to the shots he points out the spot where he wants it now and we just have to stick it in. 

Probably the biggest discovery during the meeting was finding out that Zach had PANDAS, Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal Infection.  PANDAS are caused by the body’s immune reaction to Strep and the symptoms include obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety, emotional mood swings, and oppositional defiance behavior.  Zach’s symptoms consisted of obsessive compulsive behaviors and some hyperactivity.  When PANDAS goes from dormant to active within Zach the obsessive compulsiveness is at a heightened level making it difficult to get his attention and focus, and transitioning him from one activity to the next is a battle.  When the symptoms are active we seek an antibiotic prescription from the pediatrician and within 10 days or so the PANDAS will go dormant again. 
As a result of the vitamin supplements we have noticed a tremendous change with Zach’s behavior, greater awareness of his environment, and increased social skills.  The vitamins coupled with the other treatment he receives in the classroom at school and through the therapies has helped Zach make tremendous progress over the last few years.   

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